Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Slow Running

I've been faithful in running but not posting lately. I've started to run and walk at least 4 miles about 4 times a week. Having a Nike + definitely helps in keeping track of the miles and speed. Sad to say, I'm averaging about 12:30 per minute for 4 miles. The guy in me is embarrassed to admit the lackluster time, but I realize that I have to start slow. I'm hoping I can do 4 miles in 40 minutes in couple of months. Until then, I'll have to live with the slow time.

I am doing a 60 miles in 30 days challenge with my Nike plus. The idea is that I will log 60 miles in a span of 30 days. I'm 4 miles behind schedule. I've been wiped out since Sunday with a cold that has put me significantly behind. I hope to catch up soon

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