Sunday, January 6, 2008

Crazy Weather

It was 32 degrees at 12 pm on Friday. There was ice on the trail that I go jogging. I just returned from my 4 mile route and it feels like it is 60 degrees. By Sunday, it felt like 60 degrees. Amazing how much difference 48 hours can make!

Friday was a good day despite the cold. I must have walked/jogged about 5 miles. I took a slightly different route than usual. So, I don't know how far I went. I also must have jogged for 20-25 minutes total out of the hour that I was out there. It felt good.

I did the 4 mile loop in about 55 minutes today. I jogged a mile and half at least. I'm convinced that I need an iPod Nano with the Nike + system to keep track of my mileage. I don't know if I need it - but it sure feels like I can't live without it! So, I must need it! This hobby is becoming more expensive every day!

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