Sunday, January 13, 2008

Worst week so far

I started the week by investing almost $200 towards my running. I bought an iPod Nano and the Nike + to help me keep track of the workouts. However, I only ran twice the whole week. The usual excuse of very busy work and family schedule works here. But, I'm proud that I ran on Friday morning while it was foggy, cold and wet.

Nike+ is very cool (i just need to figure out a way to keep my iPod headphones in my ear!). I still haven't calibrated the Nike. I ran the same route that I do for my 4 mile run both the days. The first day Nike calculated the distance as 3.77 miles and second day as 3.97 miles.

I'm going to calibrate it today so that I can have more confidence in the distance given by Nike. Just the fact that it will chart your distance and speed graphically makes the purchase worth it. Although I enjoy being out there without any music so that I can think, having the Nano play some songs makes the time go a whole lot quicker.

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